Preamble of the 
Alpha Beta Gamma™

That academic excellence among two-year college students enrolled in business curricula may be nurtured, that opportunity may be provided for leadership training and an intellectual climate for ideas and ideals be fostered; and that scholars may be imbued with desire for continuing education, we dedicate ourselves as members of Alpha Beta Gamma. Among us, membership is a privilege earned by qualifications, honor, and service. In conduct of our activities, truth shall be our quest, diligence our staff, and achievement our purpose.

For further information contact your college chapter adviser, 
Don Craig, Janie Blankenship, Ed Cohn, David Hattox, Phil Davis,
Professor John D. Christesen
Chief Executive Officer
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, New York 10595
(914) 785-6877 - FAX (914) 785-6481

Member of the Association of College Honor Societies.
Educational Affiliate of AACC.
Participating Institution in the ACCC International Affiliates Network
(Resèau d'affiliès internationaux de L'ACCC)