Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When trying to unsubscribe from the Alpha Beta Gamma mailing list I got this error "You entered an invalid e-mail address, or middle name, no action taken, if you feel this is a mistake, please see the FAQ or contact the webmaster.", what do I use for my middle name?
    You use your middle name that you entered when you subscribed to the mailing list. If you typed N/A then your middle name will be N/A, which is why I prefer for everyone to have a middle name or atleast make one up, because it is in a since, your password, someone would have to guess at your middle name before being able to unsubscribe you.
  2. I entered N/A for my middle name, how do I change it?
    Anytime that you wish to change any part of your information on the mailing list, you will have to unsubscribe, then re-subscribe entering your updated information.
  3. I'm an officer, how would I let people know this in the mailing list, just incase they want to contact me about an issue?
    If you are already subscribed, you must first un-subscribe, then upon re-entering your information make-sure that in the first name field right after your first name type your officer rank in square brackets like this "joe [SECRETARY]" , notice that after joe there is 1 space followed by joes rank in all caps in-between two square brackets, this is how he would be displayed in the mailing list. For an example you can look at me in the mailing list and you will notice that my entry looks like this "Alex [WEBMASTER]".
  4. I just tried to unsubscribe using the link and it doesn't work.  All I get is a blank box with 2 check boxes in it.  I would like to unsubscribe though as I have graduated already.  Thank you!
    Please follow these steps:
    1. click submit your e-mail address, under CGI.
    2. select "Un-Subscribe from the mailing list"
    3. click Next
    4. Enter your e-mail address, and middle name.
    5. click submit, and your done.
  5. I just tried it again and still have the same problem. The screens are blank except for 2 checkboxes.  When I click on NEXT, it just has 4 boxes but no description next to any of them-just 4 red *.  Please let me know.
    Those two check-boxes you are seeing are the subscribe, and un-subscribe radio buttons, thats normal, the one you  want to select/check is the one that says "Un-Subscribe from the mailing list", then you click  the next button. As for text not showing up, please be a little more patent and wait for the text to load, its a computer program so it takes a few seconds to load. If you checked "Un-Subscribe from the mailing list" you should see only two text boxes, the first is for your e-mail address, and the second one is for your middle name that you entered when you subscribed. Enter your information then click submit, and you are done.
  6. I still want to be a part of the mailing list, but don't want my firstname, lastname, or e-mail address to showup on the contact page of the website. how would I do this?
    If you are already subscribed, you will have to first un-subscribe, then upon re-subscribing un-check the box that says " show my e-mail address, first, and last name on the website under contact. " click submit, and you are done.
  7. How do I print the Agenda and Minutes when there is no print button on the plugin?
    Please follow these steps:
    1. Hover over the About dropdown menu, then click the link Agenda/Minutes.
    2. On the Agenda/Minutes page choose from the Agenda/Minutes that you want to print.
    3. Once you click the link a dialog box will ask you what you want to do, choose to save it.
    4. Save it to your desktop, or where ever you want to save it.
    5. Minimize your browser window, then double click on the .doc file, it will open in Word or in WordPad if you don't have Word.
    6. In Word click file, then click print located on the menubar at the very top of the software.
  8. Will any of the meetings be in regards to graduation?
    Please follow these steps:
    1. Under the About dropdown menu click "AGENDA/MINUTES".
    2. From here you can select the agenda from what ever dates are listed.